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Saturday, 12 March 2011

Thinking up a new trend

Sorry its been a few days since my last post bloggers! Ive been a bit busy writing for a certain clothes retailer (more info to come soon... VERY exciting stuff) and thinking up trends for my fashion styling unit at university. The above image is a photograph of a mood board I made up yesterday based on a new trend I have forcasted that I have titled 'The modern day Marie Antoinette':basically Marie Antoinette style crinolines and bustiers meets a bit of grunge... smartened up a bit with blazers.
Okay so this may seem to you a bit of a jumbled idea, but I really think its going to be some sort of a trend by next Autumn. So don't bin your blazers just yet!! 

Anyway the point of this mood board is that I'm going to be conducting a photo shoot on the trend within the next four weeks and needed a little brainwave session. I envision lots of bustiers worn over tshirts, blazers, studs, slips, and short shorts with tights or leggings. Muted tones with tinges of bright colour think orange, green, blue, red, hot pink, fluro yellow.  I have sorted models and a location so all I will need to do now is source the clothes. Have any ideas?! Let me know and leave a comment!


  1. Really given your shopping list I would have thought fashion outlets would be tripping over themselves to suggest the merits of their spring into summer wear.... I saw a nice jacket in toast but that's mail order; I hear tell they have a similar one in H & M for £15...?

  2. Hmm sounds interesting, look forward to seeing what you come up with. To incorporate the tailoring, perhaps a bustier/corset piece over a crisp masculine shirt, a neckerchief at the collar could add a splash of colour and mix patterns/textures.

    Katie x

  3. Thanks Katie, great ideas. I really like the your suggestion of a neckerchief to add a bit of colour! Im still playing around with ideas but im doing the shoot next week - so the spread will be up soon! xx


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