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Sunday, 6 March 2011

Glittering lips

One of the beauty highlights of LFW S/S 2011 was certainly the glittery pouts.

The look was created by using a red benefit lipstick in shade colour Frenched and then carefully dabbing glitter over the top!
Master the look by practising first, and experiment with different colours: think cerise pink and orange.  You may also want to very lightly layer / dab a clear gloss over the finished look to stop the glitter wearing off during the day and night.

Another alternative would be to mix real glitter with clear lip gloss. (edible glitter would leak dye through the gloss whereas real glitter will simply  mix in) Then paint it over your red lips to create the finished look.

Click here to buy yourself some edible glitter perfect for dabbing on luscious looking lips:
Edible glitter selections.


  1. love this post babe. your blog is really nice! can't wait to see what else you post this month xxxxxx

  2. AHHHHH i LOVE this! you should definitely do a make up look using these lips!

  3. your posts are really interesting, cant wait to see what else you post!

  4. Thanks guys! And Jade I will work on that make up look and have it up by the end of the week! <3

  5. Anyone following your blog has, like, a personal stylist on tap for no cash outlay and no effort - I'm loving the lips feature


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