... Been anymore excited than I am at this paticular moment, for I have found a knitting group in Southampton. Finally I feel as if my prayers have been answered ! If it did'nt already make my day finding them on the official Stitch'n Bitch website this evening, I also found that they have a blog.
Yes, you know me too well - already having raced through their recent posts I now find myself sitting here like an irritating child on christmas eve as I have already harrassed most of my phonebook searching for someone to go with me to one of their weekly meetings this Friday. Check it out.
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Shoes, Glorious Shoes.
Whilst casually walking through the shoe section of New Look the other day i saw the most beautiful pair of shoes i have ever seen for sale at a high street retailer.Never having been a big shoe fan I was quite surprised at myself when i realised that despite the fact the heels on these pairs of shoes would turn me into a sky scraper and probably lead in a terrible accident were ive fallen over and broken my neck, I knew from the very moment I had laid eyes on them that this would be love at first sight!
I havent yet bought myself a pair due to a lack of funds in my bank account - however I get paid on Monday, and therefore have been weighing up the pro's and con's ... and do I really need to tell you ? Thought not, there are no cons.
Don't be fooled by the picture, the heel is a lot higher than it looks, but please don't let that put you off - I think the best thing about these heels is the fact that you can actually tie them as tight as you wish onto your feet ensuring you wont fall out of them.
They are also a huge investment to your fashion concious wardrobe as not only are they black and therefore will go with anything and everything but they are also bang on trend in the shoe department this autumn / winter - laces, chunky straps and the leather texture are a must next season so they will certainly bring any outfit up to date - what more do you need ? These babies are certain to keep your fashion conscious wardrobe happy this summer. No need to guess where im going on Monday!
For a closer look at or to order these sexy shoes click on the link below :
I havent yet bought myself a pair due to a lack of funds in my bank account - however I get paid on Monday, and therefore have been weighing up the pro's and con's ... and do I really need to tell you ? Thought not, there are no cons.
Don't be fooled by the picture, the heel is a lot higher than it looks, but please don't let that put you off - I think the best thing about these heels is the fact that you can actually tie them as tight as you wish onto your feet ensuring you wont fall out of them.
They are also a huge investment to your fashion concious wardrobe as not only are they black and therefore will go with anything and everything but they are also bang on trend in the shoe department this autumn / winter - laces, chunky straps and the leather texture are a must next season so they will certainly bring any outfit up to date - what more do you need ? These babies are certain to keep your fashion conscious wardrobe happy this summer. No need to guess where im going on Monday!
For a closer look at or to order these sexy shoes click on the link below :
Monday, 19 July 2010
Mr Right anybody?
I know this isnt really fashion related - but a must have 'accsessory' for every girl is a man right? This got me thinking about when i would finally stop meeting deluded phsycopath's and meet my Mr Right. So having written down my thoughts ... enjoy.
Gone are the memorable days where I would sit in my room every evening worrying about my obsession with the latest Barbie doll. These days I find myself sitting in my room every evening - in a highly depressive manner, worrying about my obsession with the latest man in my life. Bridget Jones comes to mind, but what if I don’t want to be an “unmarried and romantically unattached person” – what if I just want to be single? In today’s day and age I find that many women stress too much over finding the “right guy”. Nobody wants to be single anymore, yet most women expect the real deal. But what exactly makes Mr Perfect?
Meet Alan*, my first ‘real boyfriend’. Alan* was three years older than me and worked as a salesman for BMW. The concept that he was a strong working man instantly had me captivated as most men in my area at that time were quite what one would call a “lazy, chauvinistic pig”. Lazy he was not. He lived with his single unemployed mother, and younger brother in a nice house just outside the main town. He supported his family and had to work hard to secure their lifestyle so he was certainly not lazy. However after roughly six months of being his girlfriend he started to change. Alan* was now unemployed – after embarrassingly threatening his boss and had began drinking cans upon cans of Stella regularly, and would get random texts of his ‘friends’ Annie*, Sarah* and Debbie* suggesting meet ups and ‘second dates’. He had become the sort of guy I would usually avoid in a nightclub. Chauvinistic - he now was. Rather than talk to me as a person he would now talk at me as if I were some sort of object. He had obviously lost all respect for me, which resulted in him loosing respect from my mother. Who by now, I think it is safe to say, absolutely hated the urchin. Young and naive as I was, I failed to see these faults in him at the time – even when I found him snuggling up to another girl in a cafĂ© in town I found reasons to justify his behaviour. For months after we broke up (on his terms) I tried everything under the sun to ‘regain – what we had’. However, after months of rebound, I finally recognize him for the lazy, chauvinistic pig that he is. But why did it take me months of his crude behaviour to actually realise that he was not going to be the right man for me? I once heard that women sometimes take in men who are the stereotypical ‘bad boys’ as they want to be the one girl who changes them, the one girl who in this case Alan* would stop being a complete and utter tw*t for.
My second boyfriend Karl* seemed alright at the time. Not a great introduction I know, but to be honest he wasn’t that great of a guy. Don’t get me wrong - he was nice, and had his heart in the right place, yet I guess the reason in which why I wasn’t mesmerized by this one, was possibly that he was too nice? Can a man be too nice I hear you ask, yes – yes he can. The first date went well, but it all changed on the second date when he introduced me to the waiter as his ‘girlfriend’. After hours of panicking my friends re assured me that he was only being nice and that I was lucky to have such a caring guy! I let that tiny incident slip, and began dating Karl*. Everything was going okay until two months later when he asked me what I thought about starting a family. I laughed at this resulting in his shocked reply “don’t you take me serious? I really think we should start a family”. Needles to say this was the end of our relationship. He was not only too nice, but too forward? Or possibly just too desperately clingy. Furthermore I wasn’t as attracted to him as I had previously been for Alan*, as I don’t think he has that bad boy sex appeal. He wasn’t and wouldn’t ever be bad enough.
So men are either too bad or too nice right? Wrong. I recently met a guy called Mark* who interestingly enough seemed to have acquired the right balance. Finally I thought my prayers had been answered, until I realised that I couldn’t actually have a conversation with him were I actually felt as if he was listening or as if he even remotely cared. Mark* had the habit of ‘playing it cool’ which at first was attractive as it gave me the old hard to get challenge. But this soon enough became irritating as our relationship didn’t seem to progress at all. Nothing happened, and the relationship kind of phased out after a couple of months.
One of my last male obsessions Max* was Italian. This automatically gave him the British thumbs up as women will always find themselves attracted to certain stereotypes. Italian men, otherwise known as the Italian stallions have the reputation of being romantic, every girl wants one, they have extremely sexy accents, and often have good fashion sense. This is what most girls would describe to be perfect, yet for some reason he was not what I wanted. The only problem here was that whilst we had an amazing physical side to the relationship, he could only take in about one, maybe too conversations a day. I think that for a relationship to last there has to be a mix up of both the physical and non physical attributes.
So when will I meet Mr. Right? Like many women, I find myself stressing over finding that one ‘right guy’ yet until I stop looking I doubt I ever will. To stop picking out traits in a man that make him good, bad, nice or sexy would mean we stop picking them apart. Surely if we do meet a man who is Mr. Perfect, we would expect him to take us and to love us just as we are – so why therefore do we feel the need to change him. Sitting back up in my room on another depressing evening, I don’t now find myself worrying about my latest male obsession, as I have come to the conclusion that every man is Mr. Right to someone, and as hard as it may seem you’ve just got to find the right one for you.
Gone are the memorable days where I would sit in my room every evening worrying about my obsession with the latest Barbie doll. These days I find myself sitting in my room every evening - in a highly depressive manner, worrying about my obsession with the latest man in my life. Bridget Jones comes to mind, but what if I don’t want to be an “unmarried and romantically unattached person” – what if I just want to be single? In today’s day and age I find that many women stress too much over finding the “right guy”. Nobody wants to be single anymore, yet most women expect the real deal. But what exactly makes Mr Perfect?
Meet Alan*, my first ‘real boyfriend’. Alan* was three years older than me and worked as a salesman for BMW. The concept that he was a strong working man instantly had me captivated as most men in my area at that time were quite what one would call a “lazy, chauvinistic pig”. Lazy he was not. He lived with his single unemployed mother, and younger brother in a nice house just outside the main town. He supported his family and had to work hard to secure their lifestyle so he was certainly not lazy. However after roughly six months of being his girlfriend he started to change. Alan* was now unemployed – after embarrassingly threatening his boss and had began drinking cans upon cans of Stella regularly, and would get random texts of his ‘friends’ Annie*, Sarah* and Debbie* suggesting meet ups and ‘second dates’. He had become the sort of guy I would usually avoid in a nightclub. Chauvinistic - he now was. Rather than talk to me as a person he would now talk at me as if I were some sort of object. He had obviously lost all respect for me, which resulted in him loosing respect from my mother. Who by now, I think it is safe to say, absolutely hated the urchin. Young and naive as I was, I failed to see these faults in him at the time – even when I found him snuggling up to another girl in a cafĂ© in town I found reasons to justify his behaviour. For months after we broke up (on his terms) I tried everything under the sun to ‘regain – what we had’. However, after months of rebound, I finally recognize him for the lazy, chauvinistic pig that he is. But why did it take me months of his crude behaviour to actually realise that he was not going to be the right man for me? I once heard that women sometimes take in men who are the stereotypical ‘bad boys’ as they want to be the one girl who changes them, the one girl who in this case Alan* would stop being a complete and utter tw*t for.
My second boyfriend Karl* seemed alright at the time. Not a great introduction I know, but to be honest he wasn’t that great of a guy. Don’t get me wrong - he was nice, and had his heart in the right place, yet I guess the reason in which why I wasn’t mesmerized by this one, was possibly that he was too nice? Can a man be too nice I hear you ask, yes – yes he can. The first date went well, but it all changed on the second date when he introduced me to the waiter as his ‘girlfriend’. After hours of panicking my friends re assured me that he was only being nice and that I was lucky to have such a caring guy! I let that tiny incident slip, and began dating Karl*. Everything was going okay until two months later when he asked me what I thought about starting a family. I laughed at this resulting in his shocked reply “don’t you take me serious? I really think we should start a family”. Needles to say this was the end of our relationship. He was not only too nice, but too forward? Or possibly just too desperately clingy. Furthermore I wasn’t as attracted to him as I had previously been for Alan*, as I don’t think he has that bad boy sex appeal. He wasn’t and wouldn’t ever be bad enough.
So men are either too bad or too nice right? Wrong. I recently met a guy called Mark* who interestingly enough seemed to have acquired the right balance. Finally I thought my prayers had been answered, until I realised that I couldn’t actually have a conversation with him were I actually felt as if he was listening or as if he even remotely cared. Mark* had the habit of ‘playing it cool’ which at first was attractive as it gave me the old hard to get challenge. But this soon enough became irritating as our relationship didn’t seem to progress at all. Nothing happened, and the relationship kind of phased out after a couple of months.
One of my last male obsessions Max* was Italian. This automatically gave him the British thumbs up as women will always find themselves attracted to certain stereotypes. Italian men, otherwise known as the Italian stallions have the reputation of being romantic, every girl wants one, they have extremely sexy accents, and often have good fashion sense. This is what most girls would describe to be perfect, yet for some reason he was not what I wanted. The only problem here was that whilst we had an amazing physical side to the relationship, he could only take in about one, maybe too conversations a day. I think that for a relationship to last there has to be a mix up of both the physical and non physical attributes.
So when will I meet Mr. Right? Like many women, I find myself stressing over finding that one ‘right guy’ yet until I stop looking I doubt I ever will. To stop picking out traits in a man that make him good, bad, nice or sexy would mean we stop picking them apart. Surely if we do meet a man who is Mr. Perfect, we would expect him to take us and to love us just as we are – so why therefore do we feel the need to change him. Sitting back up in my room on another depressing evening, I don’t now find myself worrying about my latest male obsession, as I have come to the conclusion that every man is Mr. Right to someone, and as hard as it may seem you’ve just got to find the right one for you.
My oh my ...
First things first - appologies for not keeping in touch bloggers, trying to figure out getting online in my new house seems far harder than one could possibly have imagined. But not to worry -with the new house all sorted out I now have more time than ever to get my blogging freak on once again. So prepare yourself for a whirlwind of features, reviews and fashion top up's that are soon to be coming your way.
Catch you soon minions. x o x o Fashion Spotter.
Catch you soon minions. x o x o Fashion Spotter.
Friday, 14 May 2010
A Stitch and a bitch anybody?
Last week , I finally finished my coursework and managed to actually get it all in on time! Thank God ... sigh of relief ! But now having finished my first year I find myself thinking of things to do to keep my creativity fueld throughout the summer break. The reason that im caught for thought on this one , is that whilst I want something exciting to do that will keep myself occupied over the next few months , I also plan to be working full time - so really, I wont have too much free time to get my creative freak on.
Always having been interested in knitting, i found a ball of pink wool along with some needles and an old knitting pattern for a cardigan. So seeing as I am currently at home for a few weeks, I thought I would attend the local Stitch and Bitch group last night ,who meet every two weeks on a thursday night at the local haberdashery (where might I add I worked in for five years before I began university) . After catching up with some of the old regulars, I found myself doing what i do best - impulse buying . I soon realised I had recklessly thrown myself head first into the wool section. Head full of choices, hands full of wool, fingers entwined in large balls of marble chunky that i had discoverd in an aray of glorious colours, my trip to the wool section had gone from being just that, to a mamoth woolfest expidition. I quickly managed to calm myself down re assuring myself that now wasnt the last chance id have in life to rid the wool shop of its marble chunky stash. So honestly, I think I had gotten away lucky, and on impulse buying i had managed to escape with only four giant balls of wool and three pairs of knitting needles. Great at the time , but little did i actually think about the task I had forced myself into.
None the less, i now have something to keep me occupied this summer and if you havent already guessed as to what that may be, I shall be knitting cardigans until i find myself doing it in my sleep. Wish me luck lovers. And yet again ... I shall keep you all updated on my progress.
Photograph: Taken by Stephanie Dawson. Knitting in Steph's kitch bedroom on our knitting re union.
Always having been interested in knitting, i found a ball of pink wool along with some needles and an old knitting pattern for a cardigan. So seeing as I am currently at home for a few weeks, I thought I would attend the local Stitch and Bitch group last night ,who meet every two weeks on a thursday night at the local haberdashery (where might I add I worked in for five years before I began university) . After catching up with some of the old regulars, I found myself doing what i do best - impulse buying . I soon realised I had recklessly thrown myself head first into the wool section. Head full of choices, hands full of wool, fingers entwined in large balls of marble chunky that i had discoverd in an aray of glorious colours, my trip to the wool section had gone from being just that, to a mamoth woolfest expidition. I quickly managed to calm myself down re assuring myself that now wasnt the last chance id have in life to rid the wool shop of its marble chunky stash. So honestly, I think I had gotten away lucky, and on impulse buying i had managed to escape with only four giant balls of wool and three pairs of knitting needles. Great at the time , but little did i actually think about the task I had forced myself into.
None the less, i now have something to keep me occupied this summer and if you havent already guessed as to what that may be, I shall be knitting cardigans until i find myself doing it in my sleep. Wish me luck lovers. And yet again ... I shall keep you all updated on my progress.
Photograph: Taken by Stephanie Dawson. Knitting in Steph's kitch bedroom on our knitting re union.
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Anna Sui says Tights ... and we say Yes Please !
Autumn / Winter 2010
Yes, trends are currently being set for Autumn / winter 2010 / 11 , and as far as Anna Sui's collection goes , I dont think I could possibly get anymore excited! One definate statement of Anna Sui's collection this season have to be the printed tights . My favourite pair has to be the red and gold pair photographed in the picture above. One word to describe them ? Divine ... obviously. They look beautiful, classy, and certain on finishing off any outfit.
However if you want a more casual look this winter. How about going for the preppy / casual look from the House of Holland runway? Sure works for me. I love the colouring of the turquoise and lilac being put together - for two colours you wouldn't usually dare pair up they work well don't they ?
Matter of actual fact is that fashion forecasters have set their eyes on printed tight for next season. So for those of you who dont like to splurge much needed dosh on fashion accessories for some insane reason, maybe start saving? because these beauties are certainly going to be a must this winter!
Yes, trends are currently being set for Autumn / winter 2010 / 11 , and as far as Anna Sui's collection goes , I dont think I could possibly get anymore excited! One definate statement of Anna Sui's collection this season have to be the printed tights . My favourite pair has to be the red and gold pair photographed in the picture above. One word to describe them ? Divine ... obviously. They look beautiful, classy, and certain on finishing off any outfit.
However if you want a more casual look this winter. How about going for the preppy / casual look from the House of Holland runway? Sure works for me. I love the colouring of the turquoise and lilac being put together - for two colours you wouldn't usually dare pair up they work well don't they ?
Matter of actual fact is that fashion forecasters have set their eyes on printed tight for next season. So for those of you who dont like to splurge much needed dosh on fashion accessories for some insane reason, maybe start saving? because these beauties are certainly going to be a must this winter!
Dont get your knickers in a twist! ...
It has long been a frowned upon decision to wear underwear as outerwear, as not only has it been looked upon to be ‘tarty’ - but it looks awful and is very hard to pull off without looking like someone who has stumbled out of a late night brothel. However, this year underwear has been set to be a big trend. Bra’s, knickers and stockings rocked the S/S 2010 Catwalks this year and we are already seeing them worn by celebrities, and a 'brief' few daring diva’s on occasional nights out.
Underwear has been a big thing since the sixteenth century when women would wear bodices, corsets and farthingale hoops to shape the body and overdresses.
Although they didn’t display much underwear as part of their outfit, they did used to occasionally wear linen chemises with large collars and ruffles as underwear that was visible to see. However it didn’t really become popular as a fashion in itself until the 1920’s.
Women have always liked to play with sexual desire in putting parts of underwear on show as part of an outfit. But has it always been successful? It is no word of lie that there has always been predijuice towards women who chose to have their knickers on show, as society will put them into a certain social class - and obviously, I am not talking about the type of people who would wine and dine with the queen - more like those who would wine and dine with the likes of belle de jour and her call girl friends. So maybe it just hasn’t been successful because of society, snide comments about the dress choice (mainly made by the older generation and the upper class) and the fact that it has always just been deemed inappropriate and offensive to do so.
So why is it that all of a sudden there seems to be bras, knickers, thongs, stockings and corsets being thrown about all over the fashion industry? I personally think that it has become more fashionable recently as women are confident in showing off their dominance in sexuality. But fear not, we are not talking about dominance in sexuality to the extent that there will be bondage bras on show everywhere, instead, the catwalks will be seducing high street shoppers and fashionistas world wide by seductively layering underwear to create a sexy yet sweet and feminine finished look. Marc Jacobs decided to layer a baby blue silk bra over a dusky pink blouse, managing to create the look which didn’t scream out ‘I want sex’ – which is good as nobody wants to be screaming that out to the world. Go for pastels and nude numbers to steer clear of setting off the wrong impression.
The best thing about this look? Anyone can do it. It doesn’t have to be expensive. All you need is to stick to the right colours and spend some time down in vintage shops and markets to gather up some retro shapes and sultry styled garments. If you do however feel a little daring try layering the look with light blouses, long sleeved t-shirts and blazers or try accessorizing the look with the statement of bold jewellery. Either way you’re bound to hit this new trend right where it’s at.
Underwear has been a big thing since the sixteenth century when women would wear bodices, corsets and farthingale hoops to shape the body and overdresses.
Although they didn’t display much underwear as part of their outfit, they did used to occasionally wear linen chemises with large collars and ruffles as underwear that was visible to see. However it didn’t really become popular as a fashion in itself until the 1920’s.
Women have always liked to play with sexual desire in putting parts of underwear on show as part of an outfit. But has it always been successful? It is no word of lie that there has always been predijuice towards women who chose to have their knickers on show, as society will put them into a certain social class - and obviously, I am not talking about the type of people who would wine and dine with the queen - more like those who would wine and dine with the likes of belle de jour and her call girl friends. So maybe it just hasn’t been successful because of society, snide comments about the dress choice (mainly made by the older generation and the upper class) and the fact that it has always just been deemed inappropriate and offensive to do so.
So why is it that all of a sudden there seems to be bras, knickers, thongs, stockings and corsets being thrown about all over the fashion industry? I personally think that it has become more fashionable recently as women are confident in showing off their dominance in sexuality. But fear not, we are not talking about dominance in sexuality to the extent that there will be bondage bras on show everywhere, instead, the catwalks will be seducing high street shoppers and fashionistas world wide by seductively layering underwear to create a sexy yet sweet and feminine finished look. Marc Jacobs decided to layer a baby blue silk bra over a dusky pink blouse, managing to create the look which didn’t scream out ‘I want sex’ – which is good as nobody wants to be screaming that out to the world. Go for pastels and nude numbers to steer clear of setting off the wrong impression.
The best thing about this look? Anyone can do it. It doesn’t have to be expensive. All you need is to stick to the right colours and spend some time down in vintage shops and markets to gather up some retro shapes and sultry styled garments. If you do however feel a little daring try layering the look with light blouses, long sleeved t-shirts and blazers or try accessorizing the look with the statement of bold jewellery. Either way you’re bound to hit this new trend right where it’s at.
Saturday, 24 April 2010
printed pants !!
Before you think ive gone totally underwear mad, no - i am not going to try and push the public into wearing printed pants in the sense of wearing floral knickers / bloomers rather than trousers or skirts ! This is much better ...
Thanks to one of my friends kindly persuading me to have a look at some clothes on the internet ( which for those of you who don't know , i am not supposed to be doing at the moment as im trying to recover myself financially from being a complete shopaholic! ) i came across a new phenomenon future buy in my life. Printed pants , the trend other wise being known as and nicknamed ' pajama trousers ' .
No they are not actual pajama trousers , but have gained this nickname because of their likeness towards them. Basically this new trend for spring / summer 2010 covers any style of trousers - carrot shaped, tailored, harem, skinny jean etc that have been made using printed fabric. My favourite one's so far have all been in ditsy pretty and floral prints, and i think they would look fab with some bicker books, a plain vest top and a denim jacket for nice day during summer!
Thanks to one of my friends kindly persuading me to have a look at some clothes on the internet ( which for those of you who don't know , i am not supposed to be doing at the moment as im trying to recover myself financially from being a complete shopaholic! ) i came across a new phenomenon future buy in my life. Printed pants , the trend other wise being known as and nicknamed ' pajama trousers ' .
No they are not actual pajama trousers , but have gained this nickname because of their likeness towards them. Basically this new trend for spring / summer 2010 covers any style of trousers - carrot shaped, tailored, harem, skinny jean etc that have been made using printed fabric. My favourite one's so far have all been in ditsy pretty and floral prints, and i think they would look fab with some bicker books, a plain vest top and a denim jacket for nice day during summer!
Sunday, 11 April 2010
I Blame CoCo
Last night, i thought id treat myself to a night out with some friends who were going to a small alternative club in southampton called Unit. If youve never been there, my first impressions were sceptical, but it was deffinatley somewhere id be happy to go to again on a night out!
Whilst standing and chatting to friends in the smoking area, one of my friends suddenly stopped mid conversation and whispered "Omg is that Coco" ... at this point we had all had a few drinks and thought she was being a bit delusional as we don't know of anyone called Coco. However, we were soon proved wrong when we turned around to see non other than Coco Sumner ( Otherwise known as Stings daughter and the main singer of the indie / dance / pop band 'I blame Coco' ) .
Wearing an over sized dinner shirt buttoned right up to the top and black shiny tights, she finished off the look with smoky eyes , nude lips and above shoulder length matted backcombed waves in a middle parting. Totally Grunge Chick - and she pulled it off effortlessly.
About half an hour later, it was time for her performance on stage ... having never actually heard of her before i was quite impressed . She certainly had stage presence and began the show with her new personally written song - Caesar (which also features Robyn, and was supposedly written to get back at her record label who wouldnt let her experiment in different types of music - Caesar being her old record label in this song!! ) She sang the night through to early morning whilst keeping the crowd happy and keeping the up the party vibe!
On waking up this morning i You Tubed her band, and must admit got a bit addicted to a couple of her songs!
Like it ??!! Then download it on 4 Shared Music for free - I did , and haven't stopped listening to it since!
Whilst standing and chatting to friends in the smoking area, one of my friends suddenly stopped mid conversation and whispered "Omg is that Coco" ... at this point we had all had a few drinks and thought she was being a bit delusional as we don't know of anyone called Coco. However, we were soon proved wrong when we turned around to see non other than Coco Sumner ( Otherwise known as Stings daughter and the main singer of the indie / dance / pop band 'I blame Coco' ) .
Wearing an over sized dinner shirt buttoned right up to the top and black shiny tights, she finished off the look with smoky eyes , nude lips and above shoulder length matted backcombed waves in a middle parting. Totally Grunge Chick - and she pulled it off effortlessly.
About half an hour later, it was time for her performance on stage ... having never actually heard of her before i was quite impressed . She certainly had stage presence and began the show with her new personally written song - Caesar (which also features Robyn, and was supposedly written to get back at her record label who wouldnt let her experiment in different types of music - Caesar being her old record label in this song!! ) She sang the night through to early morning whilst keeping the crowd happy and keeping the up the party vibe!
On waking up this morning i You Tubed her band, and must admit got a bit addicted to a couple of her songs!
Like it ??!! Then download it on 4 Shared Music for free - I did , and haven't stopped listening to it since!
Monday, 5 April 2010
Manolo's done it again ...
Just when we thought we had seen Manolo at the peak of his career as a shoe designer, he recently released his designs for Autum Winter 2010 - and Oh My are they beautiful.
The new 'axe' heel , creates a curve in the ankle that in his words -
"makes the leg look so great, so sexy and so cute". Unlike the 'silent movie vamps' who inspired the brand spanking new designs, everyone is set to know about his new collection for the simple fact that the collection is breathtaking, and truly unlike any other pair of heels shopaholics and fashionistas worldwide have ever laid eyes on.
My favourite of the designs he has released has to be the dusky velvet pink ankle boot set with crystal buckles all the way down the front. This style is called 'Madame Pompadour' - Pink, Sparkly and expensive looking. Seriously, what more could a girl want in an ankle boot?!... Nothing ? I know !
Yes a girl can dream , but unfortunatley we can not dream up wads of money. So it looks like ill have to wait until the highstreet stores clone the designs and bring them to us at about £30 a pair next year . . . but not to worry - one day my feet will meet the inside soles of a fabulous pair of Manolo shoes. I just know it!
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Since when did this become perfection?
Having a break from the pile of uni work ive been trying my best to get done, i decided to maybe relax by catching up on the hills - as i havent actually watched an episode since i was at home during christmas time. However , rather than coming across a website where i could catch up on the amaizing programme that has had me hooked to TMF and MTV for years, i came across something that really shocked me!
Heidi Montag has had plastic surgery! .. No im not just talking about a boob job or anything like that, in total since November 2009 she has had :
1. Mini browlift
2. Botox to her forehead
3. A nose job "revision"
4. Fat injections to her cheeks and lips
5. A chin reduction
6. Neck liposuction
7. Her ears pinned back
8. A breast augmentation "revision"
9. Liposuction on her waist and thighs
10. Butt augmentation
Heidi Montag the 23 year old starlet from Orange County , who i personally believe was beautiful before she had surgery supposedly went through with the operations in an urge to "feel attractive", and still has operations to go until she becomes as she said "the best me". What is with this sudden urge to be perfect? Whatever it is that seems to be making Heidi Montag want to look like a Barbie Doll has actually ended up making her look like some kind of plastic robot. Harsh words i know, but i just cant seem to understand why women feel so pressured into having a 'perfect image'. Gone are the days when women never wore makeup and didnt really do much as far as their looks were concerned (im not saying we need to go back to this in society) but as cheesy as it may all sound, I believe that there is something about every girl that is beautiful whether it be her hair, eyes, face, body or personality ... and if people fail to see you for the beautiful person you are then you surely need to ask yourself - are they worth wanting to know? Didnt think so.
Heidi Montag has had plastic surgery! .. No im not just talking about a boob job or anything like that, in total since November 2009 she has had :
1. Mini browlift
2. Botox to her forehead
3. A nose job "revision"
4. Fat injections to her cheeks and lips
5. A chin reduction
6. Neck liposuction
7. Her ears pinned back
8. A breast augmentation "revision"
9. Liposuction on her waist and thighs
10. Butt augmentation
Heidi Montag the 23 year old starlet from Orange County , who i personally believe was beautiful before she had surgery supposedly went through with the operations in an urge to "feel attractive", and still has operations to go until she becomes as she said "the best me". What is with this sudden urge to be perfect? Whatever it is that seems to be making Heidi Montag want to look like a Barbie Doll has actually ended up making her look like some kind of plastic robot. Harsh words i know, but i just cant seem to understand why women feel so pressured into having a 'perfect image'. Gone are the days when women never wore makeup and didnt really do much as far as their looks were concerned (im not saying we need to go back to this in society) but as cheesy as it may all sound, I believe that there is something about every girl that is beautiful whether it be her hair, eyes, face, body or personality ... and if people fail to see you for the beautiful person you are then you surely need to ask yourself - are they worth wanting to know? Didnt think so.
Friday, 2 April 2010
Just a thought ...
Today i went to work as usual on a Friday, and by mid afternoon i realised i had been thinking about a certain customer all day! .. NOT in a freaky or stalking way, she had just got me thinking about how fashion is basically a list of trends repeated over and over until a new trend is occasionally thrown in , and added onto that same list only to get repeated years later.
The lady who got me thinking came in with this pattern beginning with - " I wonder if you could help me with this pattern dear, although im sure its years older than you are". Basically she loved the pattern, and had been using it since she had originally bought it but had decided that whilst she like the design she wanted to somehow alter it to look different. After discussing her ideas together , she finally decided on giving the dress a slightly higher waist and bringing the skirt in at the bottom rather than flaring it out.From changing these two small details in the pattern , a new design had been created out of a new trend.
This is what got me thinking about how trends, especially in today's day and age are re - used again and again either fully or just a piece of the design throughout time to bring up new fashionable designs. This lady in particular obviously had a good eye for practical fashion as this pattern she had purchased roughly fourty years ago still comes in useful. Then i got thinking that surely this should apply to us all if only even myself when im out shopping ? Countless times i have found myself in H&M , Topshop or Primark picking up items because i think their 'bargain pieces' or resemble something ive recently seen in one of Lady Gaga's music videos? ( lady gaga fans - don't get defensive! As fantastic as her outfits are, i would never see myself being able to pull them off! ) But quite frankly , the days are very rare when i wonder through rails of stock in any department store and find an item that will last me 40 years. However, im sure there are many things that i could tweak here and there to give myself a completely new look without having to break the bank! The only thing i need to do now ... is remember this next time im out on the highstreet ! wish me luck ...
The lady who got me thinking came in with this pattern beginning with - " I wonder if you could help me with this pattern dear, although im sure its years older than you are". Basically she loved the pattern, and had been using it since she had originally bought it but had decided that whilst she like the design she wanted to somehow alter it to look different. After discussing her ideas together , she finally decided on giving the dress a slightly higher waist and bringing the skirt in at the bottom rather than flaring it out.From changing these two small details in the pattern , a new design had been created out of a new trend.
This is what got me thinking about how trends, especially in today's day and age are re - used again and again either fully or just a piece of the design throughout time to bring up new fashionable designs. This lady in particular obviously had a good eye for practical fashion as this pattern she had purchased roughly fourty years ago still comes in useful. Then i got thinking that surely this should apply to us all if only even myself when im out shopping ? Countless times i have found myself in H&M , Topshop or Primark picking up items because i think their 'bargain pieces' or resemble something ive recently seen in one of Lady Gaga's music videos? ( lady gaga fans - don't get defensive! As fantastic as her outfits are, i would never see myself being able to pull them off! ) But quite frankly , the days are very rare when i wonder through rails of stock in any department store and find an item that will last me 40 years. However, im sure there are many things that i could tweak here and there to give myself a completely new look without having to break the bank! The only thing i need to do now ... is remember this next time im out on the highstreet ! wish me luck ...
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
We love denim - but is it back for good ?!
I love the anticipated trend that is double denim ... this is fact. But is this trend one worth investing into? ...
Denim items are hard wearing practical and come in a various range from skinnies , carrot shaped and tapered jeans, they make our bums look as they've never looked before (in the good way ladies don't worry) and are now back in fashion for spring / summer 2010 with great thanks to Elle Magazine for basically settin their Feburary 2010 issue on the topic "all things denim".
The only thing that i was'nt too sure of with this trend , is the appeal to wear jeans ? Despite absolutley falling for the cute look of denim carrot shaped jeans with a pretty or military printed denim jacket , I for one never wear jeans. It just doesnt happen. Although they do make our bums look good, ive never really thought of jeans being a girl's best friend ( possibly after hours on end of shopping before ever actually finding that one pair that actually fit as if they were tailor made ). But then i guess this could just be habit ... no ?
Well after much thought i figured i still wanted to march the Southcoast in the double denim look this season , and so took a trip to the highstreet to see if there was anything there a bit more to the girly side. H&M have a huge section dedicated to the trend which i found quite impressive swaying me even closer to the full frontal denim trend, but I thought I had finally found my future buy in Topshop. A gorgeous printed floral bodycon dress that can either be dressed down for the daytime or dressed up for a night out, but then of course I found out from the sales assistant that they had completley sold out and may not be able to get anymore in ! ... typical drama eh ?
But before i go, my verdict is that yes the all things denim look is surely happening this spring summer, im just uppsettingly not quite sure if it will be happening for me.
So my search continues for that perfect denim buy. Lets cross our fingers now please people. Luckily im off shopping today ... yes, i will keep you all updated . . <3 x
Denim items are hard wearing practical and come in a various range from skinnies , carrot shaped and tapered jeans, they make our bums look as they've never looked before (in the good way ladies don't worry) and are now back in fashion for spring / summer 2010 with great thanks to Elle Magazine for basically settin their Feburary 2010 issue on the topic "all things denim".
The only thing that i was'nt too sure of with this trend , is the appeal to wear jeans ? Despite absolutley falling for the cute look of denim carrot shaped jeans with a pretty or military printed denim jacket , I for one never wear jeans. It just doesnt happen. Although they do make our bums look good, ive never really thought of jeans being a girl's best friend ( possibly after hours on end of shopping before ever actually finding that one pair that actually fit as if they were tailor made ). But then i guess this could just be habit ... no ?
Well after much thought i figured i still wanted to march the Southcoast in the double denim look this season , and so took a trip to the highstreet to see if there was anything there a bit more to the girly side. H&M have a huge section dedicated to the trend which i found quite impressive swaying me even closer to the full frontal denim trend, but I thought I had finally found my future buy in Topshop. A gorgeous printed floral bodycon dress that can either be dressed down for the daytime or dressed up for a night out, but then of course I found out from the sales assistant that they had completley sold out and may not be able to get anymore in ! ... typical drama eh ?
But before i go, my verdict is that yes the all things denim look is surely happening this spring summer, im just uppsettingly not quite sure if it will be happening for me.
So my search continues for that perfect denim buy. Lets cross our fingers now please people. Luckily im off shopping today ... yes, i will keep you all updated . . <3 x
Return of the geek ?

So how can we rock this new trend? ... Fear not, highstreet stores such as Topshop, River island, Zara and Accessorize will be keeping plenty in stock this spring / summer to feed our addiction. But to give you a little secret - want a cheap alternative ? Pop in to Primark for a basic style of sun shades ...
... and quite simply pop out the plastic lenses ! The good thing about this is not only that they are cheap , but primark do a vast range of frames on their basic sunnies, from plain chic black to floral designs and retro block colours - sure to keep to stylish this summer!
Bought your ticket for Reading yet ?
Yes Yes Yes! That certain time of year has come when we're all fed up with gloomy winter days and just want to see a bit of sun. So what do we do ? ... buy our festival tickets for 2010 of course!
Having never been to a festival , im only excited and motivated to go so much this year due to the likes of their reputations. Okay so there's the mud, but there's also new music, hot eye candy, alternative fashionistas and a weekend to remember forever - along with chockingly cool and embarrassing photos to keep forever ... unless your camera gets stolen!
But I AM looking forward to the Reading festival this year, and will be buying my ticket soon enough! One other thing i have been tempted to buy for the event is a straw trilby, i think there going to be a HUGE trend all over the festival season this year.
The two looks im considering are :
a/ To pay a visit to tomboy town and wrap an old tie around where the ribbon should be. Effortlessly funky.
b/ To turn into a complete and utter festival queen hippie and sew on some fake flowers around the sides ?
The best thing is , although the posh one's are quite expensive, its vintage in these days (and cheap!!!) to run down to the charity shop and pick one up for a couple of quid. Okay .. so maybe reframe from actually running to the charity shop for one yeah? Their not actually that trendy ... yet!
Having never been to a festival , im only excited and motivated to go so much this year due to the likes of their reputations. Okay so there's the mud, but there's also new music, hot eye candy, alternative fashionistas and a weekend to remember forever - along with chockingly cool and embarrassing photos to keep forever ... unless your camera gets stolen!
But I AM looking forward to the Reading festival this year, and will be buying my ticket soon enough! One other thing i have been tempted to buy for the event is a straw trilby, i think there going to be a HUGE trend all over the festival season this year.
The two looks im considering are :
a/ To pay a visit to tomboy town and wrap an old tie around where the ribbon should be. Effortlessly funky.
b/ To turn into a complete and utter festival queen hippie and sew on some fake flowers around the sides ?
The best thing is , although the posh one's are quite expensive, its vintage in these days (and cheap!!!) to run down to the charity shop and pick one up for a couple of quid. Okay .. so maybe reframe from actually running to the charity shop for one yeah? Their not actually that trendy ... yet!
The new haircut of 2010 ?
Recently , whilst watching a music video on youtube, i came across what may look to be the new haircut for 2010. This strikingly punk meets pretty hairstyles has taken hollywood by storm by the likes of Cassie and Rihanna.Undoubtably this haircut has an aquired taste, but i dont personally think that any regular Joe or Sally could pull this one off ...
Dont get me wrong, i do like it (i think) i just wish the shaved head look would suit me too! Looking at the two of the many ways in which this haircut is being worked by the A listers, i quite like Rihanna's mohaug version and like the two colours her stylists have worked into it! She's definatley got the two - textured hair look nailed.Still unsure of whether this cut will find itself as the next pob or pixie cut in the British Public, ill leave you with this question, Would you get it done in your local hairdressers? As stylish as it is , i dont think so ... unless it is your plan to be walking the red carpet any time soon?
Who Loves Florence Welch ? We do ...
When ever i think about/ see a photograph of or hear about Florence Welch , the singer in the collaboration Florence and the Machine, one word comes to mind. Jealous. Im not going to lie, when she first hit the screens of MTV and TMF music channels, i was a bit suprised and unsure as to whether or not she would actually last. Unlike Shakira, Beyonce, Girls aloud, Fergie or any other mainstream act Florence Welch hit the music industry with a breath of fresh air which in her case was her individuality and her firey red lucious locks.
Okay, so she has been recognised by her music far more than for her dress attire , but i for one think that this miss is one super stylish layde.
I love love love this outfit , for the simple reason that its grundge meets rock chick (one of my new found favourite styles) but still looks femenine thanks to the tulip shaped skirt and the floral print on her bag!
This has been quite a key look down south this winter, where girls all over the South Coast have been rocking leather jackets and lace up boots!
Okay, so she has been recognised by her music far more than for her dress attire , but i for one think that this miss is one super stylish layde.
I love love love this outfit , for the simple reason that its grundge meets rock chick (one of my new found favourite styles) but still looks femenine thanks to the tulip shaped skirt and the floral print on her bag!
This has been quite a key look down south this winter, where girls all over the South Coast have been rocking leather jackets and lace up boots!
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